Monday, September 29, 2008

Vary Vegetarian in Miami

No, that's not a homonym faux-pa in the title; we meant it. We need some variety in Miami because face it; seldom will you ever hear the words "vegetarian" and "frugal" in the same sentence. When you're on the cheap and on the go, finding a compromise between the two will usually result in crafting meals from a Taco Bell menu or strolling the frozen foods aisle at the nearest grocer. But seemingly every time you have a few extra dollars in your billfold, the figurative floodgates of vegan and vegetarian options fly wide open and you go from limited to limitless.

So it's always comforting and a little special when restaurants open up that aren't part of a franchise, or the product of an over-familiar mold. And the taste is that much sweeter when it serves a cuisine that's menu has a tradition of blending animal-friendly elements-In this case we're speaking of Indian food.

Samosas, naans, paneers, and much more have been the staple of many vegetarian diets; increasingly those who associate themselves in a DIY (do-it-yourself) subculture where the ingredients to realize these concoctions can all be pinpointed to a lowly grocery aisle labeled "Ethnic," or some other absurd category.

But getting back to the original course of topic; finding that cohesion of affordability and vegetarianism is often an insufferable pain. However, if you live in Miami, the burden just became a little more bearable.

ISHQ contemporary Indian restaurant is housed in the Art Deco district of South Beach Miami. The location, the slick interior décor, the food presentation-all overshoot the price you'll find printed on your check at the end of the night. As a result, you're left with a new favorite go-to restaurant to add to your meager collection.

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